Weekly Articles
4 Tips For A successful Win-back Email Campaign
Getting new customers is way more tedious than winning back your old existing ones. Win-back emails are a pretty interesting lot. They get your old accounts back and that too with a style!
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How Clients Use Juvlon APIs
APIs enable your developers to easily automate Emails/SMS for you. You can also track the performance of your Email and SMS campaigns without actually logging into your Juvlon account. To give you a better insight into our APIs, here are some ways in which our clients have used APIs..
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Four Ways You Should Use Email, But Probably Aren’t
Newsletters and standard 20%-off-emails shouldn’t be the only emails you send. Often, brands don’t utilize email marketing to its fullest. Sending a diverse array of emails to your subscribers is the best way to keep them engaged. To help, here’s a list of four ways you should use email, but probably aren’t.
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Four Ways You Should Use Email, But Probably Aren’t
Newsletters and standard 20%-off-emails shouldn’t be the only emails you send.
Often, brands don’t utilize email marketing to its fullest. Sending a diverse array of emails to your subscribers is the best way to keep them engaged. To help, here’s a list of four ways you should use email, but probably aren’t.
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Weekly Articles
4 Tips For A successful Win-back Email Campaign
Getting new customers is way more tedious than winning back your old existing ones. Win-back emails are a pretty interesting lot. They get your old accounts back and that too with a style!
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How Clients Use Juvlon APIs
APIs enable your developers to easily automate Emails/SMS for you. You can also track the performance of your Email and SMS campaigns without actually logging into your Juvlon account. To give you a better insight into our APIs, here are some ways in which our clients have used APIs..
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Email Marketing Facts
Personalized Email campaigns improve clickthrough rates by 14%.

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