26 Email Marketing Tips To Remember

Emails have always topped the marketing list as they are easy to send and cost-effective. We all receive hundreds of emails every day and so it becomes important that your email stands out and grabs the attention of the customer in his crowded inbox.

Juvlon Team is always on the lookout for new innovative ideas to build successful email marketing campaigns for businesses. Below are some email marketing tips by our email experts which will help you to make your marketing campaigns successful.

1. Collect emails on your website
To keep your email list strong, you want to make sure new contacts are constantly coming in. While there are many ways to collect email addresses, marketing experts strongly advocate permission-based email marketing for successful email delivery. One of the easiest ways is to set up a signup form on your website. This simple form can ask people to sign up for your newsletter or get a special deal in exchange for email addresses.

2. Ask for relevant information only
Make sure sign-up form asks only for relevant information you really need. Ask your subscribers about their interests and preferences so that you can effectively send relevant information to them through emails.

3. Automate your welcome email
When a new contact signs up for your list, you want to send a welcome email immediately to capitalize on his or her curiosity. However, it’s not always easy to keep track of new contacts or send individual emails within a short time frame. That’s why automating your welcome email is a great move. New contacts get the information you want immediately, and you don’t have to create an email from scratch each time.

4. Keep your list current
People change companies and email addresses change frequently. Maintain an updated list by carefully tracking the bounce rate and non-delivered emails. Keep a close eye on active and inactive subscribers in your email list.

5. Use text messaging to collect email addresses
Make your marketing efforts work together. Use a service, like Juvlon, that allows you to send text messages and emails to your customers. Send a text that asks for a new user’s email address, and send emails to current subscribers asking if they’re interested in receiving text messages.

6. Segment your email list
Rather than sending emails to your entire list, break it up into smaller groups. You can break your list up by demographics like age, sex or income brackets. You can also segment by buying frequency. Make a list of loyal customers and a list of inactive customers. By segmenting your list you can send targeted messages to each group.

7. Follow email codes
When it comes to sending promotional emails, there are a few rules you should follow: don’t use any false or misleading information, don’t use deceptive subject lines, and give recipients the chance to unsubscribe with ease. Breaking these codes could damage your reputation and aggravate customers.

8. Know your spam rules
Read the Anti-spam policy of your email service provider before you start your email marketing campaign.

9. Start a newsletter
If you haven’t already, start sending customers or clients a newsletter. This email, which should be sent on a consistent basis, should have three or four mini-articles about your business. You can write about all kinds of topics. Consider writing about upcoming events, new employees, new products, special promotions, and any other changes that are happening within your business.

10. Keep your color scheme simple
You don’t want too many colors in your email. Keep it simple. We suggest using the same colors that are in your business logo and website. Since your email will contain your business logo, using the same colors throughout the email make for a streamlined look.

11. Make your emails responsive
If an email does not appear mobile-friendly, then it is not going to perform well. Every email that you send should be optimized for all devices.

12. Invite inactive customers back 
Segment your list to target your contacts who haven’t made a purchase from you in a while. Create personalized emails specifically for this group of customers that offer an incentive for them to buy again. Try a discount or a gift with purchase. Check out this blog post for more help.

13. Reward your loyal customers
It’s easier to keep current customers coming back for more than it is to find new customers. So, treat your loyal customers to a can’t-pass-up deal now and then. You could offer a discount on their next purchase, a free consultation, a gift or an opportunity to try a new product through promotional emails.

14. Test new Email Marketing strategies
To avoid having your email campaigns under-perform, consider testing new strategies. As you test different email components such as delivery days, unique opens, popular click-throughs, content angles, you will start to learn what your customers are responding to. By always keeping your email content and methodology fresh, you will have a better chance of keeping your readers engaged.

15. Use urgent language
When you create an email, make sure you create a sense of urgency. You want recipients to act as soon as they open your email, so choose words that encourage swift action. Use short phrases that are in the present tense. Try phrases like this: Shop Now, Sign Up Today, Take Advantage of the Offer Now, This Deal Expires at Midnight, Get Your Free Consultation.

Urgent Language

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16. Send emails that advertise new content
Did you just write a new blog post, or add information to your website? If so, promote the new content via email. A lot of business owners send promotional emails, but forget to send emails that advertise things like a how-to guide on their blog or new return policy on their website.

17. Keep your text short and simple
Most users aren’t going to read the full text of your email. They’re going to scan it for key points that they may be interested in. Get maximum click-throughs by adding attractive images.

18. See what others are doing
Take a few minutes and sign up for email newsletters from competitors. Choose a few on your favorite hobby or a topic you’re interested in too.

19. Develop a marketing strategy
Before you create the right message, develop a marketing strategy that addresses goals and objectives.

20. Work on Holiday Emails ahead of time
The next time a holiday rolls around and you plan to send a promotional email, take a few extra minutes to create an email for the next holiday. You can use the same template; just make a few content tweaks. Use automation tools to schedule both to send to your customers.

21. Make email and social work together
When you send an email to your customers, share the same message on your social channels. For example, include social share buttons in your emails, so that your customers can get connected to your brand through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc.

22. Boost open rates with creative subject lines
Your subject line can encourage or discourage a subscriber to open your email. How do you encourage people to open your emails? Create a short, attention-grabbing subject line. Keep it to about 50 characters and be creative. Tell readers about the deal that’s inside, or try quoting a movie or a song. Bottom line: be honest and creative and your customers are more likely to open your emails.

23. Position call-to-action appropriately
Usability studies show most people won’t look beyond the first screen. So position your call-to-action appropriately.

call to action

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24. Testing
To achieve optimal results from your email marketing campaigns, testing is a requirement. Consider testing subject lines to ensure the right message goes to your prospect’s inbox. You can also test other elements including images, change in copy or other small revisions.

25. Track your success
Sending emails without tracking your success is like flying blind. By checking your analytics, you’ll know how well your emails are doing and be able to make changes to improve your campaigns. Email Reports reveal the dynamics of your consumer response and guide your future email campaigns. You can also track your campaign success in-depth by integrating Google Analytics with your emails.

26. Use email marketing to accomplish what email does best
Increase revenue, generate leads, strengthen customer relationships, increase website traffic, and build brand awareness.

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