How Marketers Can Break Through The Holiday Inbox Clutter

When email marketing wasn’t too popular the challenges weren’t much. Today, the scenario has changed. Now that email marketing is the most popular way to connect with customers, the challenge lies in making your email noticed in a cluttered inbox. Especially during holiday season when marketers through holiday email marketing are trying their best to woo customers.

Only great content and design along with discounts might not win the attention of your customer. There is more to it than meets the eyes.

Tips on holiday email marketing to cut through the inbox clutter:

1. Be human
Personalised and targeted messages have been rated as one of the best email marketing practise by 67% of Indian marketers. National Client Email Report for the DMA, UK 2014 said 86% of email campaigns depend on focused personalization tactics.

Based on transactional and behavioural history send personalized messages and recommendations to your customers. Sending discounts to reluctant customers and motivating customers who have high customer lifetime value will raise ROI from holiday marketing. Take discounting decision based on predictive analytic emails to maximize your revenue.

GORB Offer

Customers are buying things for themselves to experience a special feeling. This holiday season gift something special to your best customers to create goodwill and boost spending.

2. Safe Deliverability
Just 79% of commercial emails worldwide manage to reach the inbox. Give customers the choice to opt in to receiving emails. Also, send mails through your own domain i.e. instead of a domain that looks unfamiliar. Ask customer to choose how often they would like to receive an email (weekly, biweekly, bimonthly, etc). Along with sending relevant messages, give customers the option to opt out and an option to add you to safe senders list.

3. Triggered messages
A third of all revenue from email marketing stems from triggered messages based on customer’s activity and lifecycle. Success of email campaigns depend on improved analysis of data so as to facilitate sending automated messages at the right time.
As Stephen Covey says, “The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”
30% of respondents in the survey Email Marketing Trends and Best Practises said that the biggest challenge during their email marketing campaign is they can’t leverage all the marketing data they get. Organizations are still centralizing customer data at their end. Presently, data is in different areas within the organization, so it’s tough to access and use it for email marketing.

Flipkart Trggered Messages

4. Relationship building and engagement
An intelligent marketer who believes in growing his business focuses on relationship building. So start engaging customers by giving non-holiday offers starting from October. Before the holiday season hits push your holiday ROI by ensuring to send the right offer to your customer during the holiday season.

5. Eye catching subject lines
The first thing that customers notice is the subject line. Make it catchy and brief. People browse through their inboxes real quick. So be clear, concise and avoid complex, flowery language. But, never misguide or fool customers into opening an email because, you might lose a customer and opportunity of a response or a sale.

Personalize the subject line for example say, “Happy Birthday Jeremy, surprise gift inside” or “Hi Raj, we wanted to share this..”.

Instill urgency in the subject line; “Last two days of sale at Mobilook.”

You can also include action verbs that inspire people to open the mail like, “Dine at Opera; happy hours for women.”

Juvlon team works consistently to meet your holiday email marketing campaign goals and provide a seamless experience to your customers through an integrated approach.

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