Sends out a pre-approved SMS to a mobile number.
This API deprecates the older sendTransactionalSMS() API.
SMS messages can be sent out to Indian mobile numbers only. At least one of the following parameters should be provided: subID / mobile. If you provide both, then subID takes precedence.
Sending out SMS messages has some pre-requisites:
- You must be registered on a DLT platform, and must have a registered Entity ID.
- Your Juvlon account must be updated with your Entity ID.
- The SMS body / template needs to be approved with the DLT:
- Any personalization(s) that you would like to be inserted in the SMS body (e.g. first name) should be provided as variables in the template at the time of approval.
- Any link(s) that you would like to be tracked should be provided as variables in the template at the time of approval.
- Note the template ID provided for you message body / template by the DLT. It has to be sent in the sendSMS API call.
- The Header ID / sender used for approving the SMS body / template should be added in your Juvlon account.
This API enables you to provide all the personalization details of the recipient that you would like to send in your SMS, like the first name, last name, etc.. The API will first update any existing subscriber that it finds (with the matching subID / mobile number) with these personalization details, and then send the specified SMS. If there is no such existing subscriber, then the API will first create a new subscriber with all the personalization data provided, and then send out the SMS to the new subscriber.
This API needs to be called using an HTTP Post method with data in JSON format as shown below.
JSON Parameters
'{"apiKey":"$apiKey", "subID":"$subID", "mobile":"$mobile", "body":"$body", "entityID":"$entityID", "templateID":"$templateID", "headerID":"$headerID", "campaignName":"$campaignName", "email":"$email", "prefix":"$prefix", "firstName":"$firstName", "middleName":"$middleName", "lastName":"$lastName", "phone":"$phone", "address":"$address", "city":"$city", "state":"$state", "pinCode":"$pinCode", "country":"$country", "residencePhone":"$residencePhone", "designation":"$designation", "company":"$company", "companyAddress":"$companyAddress", "companyCity":"$companyCity", "companyState":"$companyState", "companyCountry":"$companyCountry", "companyPin":"$companyPin", "companyPhone":"$companyPhone", "companyFax":"$companyFax", "birthday":"$birthday", "anniversary":"$anniversary", "referenceNo":"$referenceNo", "other1":"$other1", "other2":"$other2", "other3":"$other3", "other4":"$other4", "other5":"$other5", "other6":"$other6", "customField":"$customField", "var":[ { "value":"$value1", "track":"$track1" }, { "value":"$value2", "track":"$track2" } ] }';
Name | Type | Description | Default |
apiKey | String | Mandatory. The apiKey that gives you access to our HTTP APIs. The apiKey authenticates you and helps us to identify your Juvlon account. | |
subID | Int | The subscriber ID of an already existing subscriber in your Juvlon account that you would like to send the SMS to. | |
mobile | String | The mobile number to send the SMS to. This field is ignored if there is a “subID” present in the API call. | |
String | The email address of your recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS. | ||
body | String | Mandatory in each request.The urlencoded pre-approved content of the SMS to be sent out. | |
entityID | Int | Mandatory in each request.Your registered Entity ID with the DLT. Note: The same Entity ID must be set up in your Juvlon account. | |
templateID | Int | Mandatory in each request. The template ID provided by the DLT for your approved SMS text. | |
headerID | String | Mandatory in each request.The header ID / sender of your approved SMS template / message. Note: The header ID should be the same as provided to the DLT for the approval of your SMS template. The same Header ID should also be present in your Juvlon account. | |
campaignName | String | The campaign for this SMS. All analytics (Delivered / non-delivered / DND / Clicks etc.) will be saved against this campaign. Creates a new campaign with this name if it does not already exist. When you login to Juvlon, you will find a campaign and an SMS with this name (as provided in the API call). You can click on the analytics icon of the SMS to view all analytics. | |
prefix | String | The prefix / title of your SMS recipient. E.g. Mr., Mrs., Dr. etc.. To be used as a personalization in your SMS. | |
firstName | String | The first name of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS. | |
middleName | String | The middle name of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
lastName | String | The last name of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
phone | String | The primary telephone of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
address | String | The residential address of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
city | String | The city in which your SMS recipient resides. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
state | String | The state in which your SMS recipient resides. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
pinCode | String | The pin code of your SMS recipient’s residential address. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
country | String | The Country where your SMS recipient resides. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
residencePhone | String | The residence phone number of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
designation | String | The official designation of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
company | String | The company in which your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyAddress | String | The company address where your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyCity | String | The city where your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyState | String | The state where your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyCountry | String | The Country where your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyPin | String | The pin code of the area where your SMS recipient works. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyPhone | String | The office phone number of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
companyFax | String | The office fax number of your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
birthday | String | Your SMS recipient’s birthday in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format. Can be used to trigger emails on the recipient’s birthday or as a personalization in emails / SMS. | |
anniversary | String | Your SMS recipient’s anniversary date in ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ format. Can be used to trigger emails on the recipient’s anniversary day or as a personalization in emails / SMS. | |
referenceNo | String | Any reference number that you want to use for the SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other1 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other2 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other3 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other4 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other5 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
other6 | String | Any other information that you may like to store about your SMS recipient. To be used as a personalization in your SMS | |
customField | String | Customized text for your internal tracking. | |
var | Structure | A list / array of variables to be updated in the SMS body: Links, or Personalization The list should be provided within square braces [ ], and each variable should be provided within curly braces { } | |
value | Provided for each variable within the “var” structure. The personalization / link that needs to be inserted into the SMS body. All variable and links need to be lesser than or equal to 30 characters long. You can include a link that exceeds 30 characters by setting its link tracking to true. This will result in the API inserting a shorter Juvlon link which when clicked will navigate your subscriber to your original link. | ||
track | Provided for each variable within the “var” structure. This is applicable only for a link: Set “yes” for link tracking (default), Set “no” for not tracking links. Ignored if provided for a personalization. |
Return values
Name | Type | Description |
code | String | The Success or Error response code as returned by the API. Please refer to the section “Possible-Response-Codes” for more details. |
status | String | Description of the error code returned. |
transactionId | String | A number generated by the API to uniquely identify the current call. Also known as the API_Call_ID. |
Usage / Example(s)
PHP Example Code for Integration
$url = ''; $data = '{"apiKey":"KEY", "subID":"98", "mobile":"9890999999", "email":"", "body":"This is today’s ({var}) test. Click {var}", "entityID":"1701101101101101101", "templateID":"1701101101101101102", "headerID":"JUVLON", "campaignName":"Test Campaign", "prefix":"Mr.", "firstName":"John", "middleName":"K", "lastName":"Smith", "phone":"+91227492682648", "address":"House 5, Suncity", "city":"Mumbai", "state":"Maharashtra", "pinCode":"9604", "country":"India", "residencePhone":"912274926829", "designation":"Project Manager", "company":"XYZ ltd.", "companyAddress":"Office no 5, ABC IT Park", "companyCity":"Mumbai", "companyState":"Maharashtra", "companyCountry":"India", "companyPin":"9607", "companyPhone":"+912274926826", "companyFax":"+912274926827", "birthday":"1988-06-10", "anniversary":"2015-06-11", "referenceNo":"123", "other1":"98732", "other2":"989", "other3":"7687", "other4":"989", "other5":"7687", "other6":"K987JF", "customField":"custom_text", "var":[ { "value":"1st Dec 2023" }, { "value":"", "track":"yes" } ] }'; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); $res1 = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);
HTTP/1.1 { "code":200, "status":"Success", "transactionId":327 }
HTTP/1.1 { "code":442, "status":"Error" }
200 Success: API Request Accepted 401 Error: Invalid Method 402 Error: Unauthorized/Empty Key 403 Error: Unauthorized/Invalid Key 448 Error: Your Juvlon account is Deactivated 455 Error: Invalid recipient mobile number 602 Error: No subscriber provided 615 Error: Mobile Number not present for subID 443 Error: INACTIVE Subscriber 457 Error: Subscriber does not exist 447 Low SMS credit 452 Clicked 460 Delivered 461 Not Delivered 462 DND 497 Error: Entity ID not set in the Juvlon Account 498 Error: Entity ID not provided 499 Entity ID provided does not match the Entity ID in your Juvlon account 408 Error: Body content not provided 613 Error: Invalid Template ID 409 Error: Sender not provided 420 Error: Sender email does not exist in your Juvlon account 421 Error: Sender not activated 612 Error: Invalid Campaign Name 616 Error: Variable exceeded the max length