Ideas To Integrate Your Email And SMS Campaigns

Marketing is a collaborative effort and all marketing tools should be used cohesively. 68% companies have integrated their mobile marketing strategy with their entire marketing strategy. When your vision is clearly defined it’s easy to chalk out the marketing campaign to define which tool or medium needs to be used. Today, mobile is the primary touchpoint in the digital marketing strategy. 34% of subscribers use only mobile devices to check their mails. So, have you optimized the use of the mobile phone to reach your customer?

82% of respondents in a survey shared that they open every SMS that lands in their inbox. 90% of all SMSes are read within just 3 minutes. So, if both emails and SMSes lead you to the consumer through a common gateway, then why not integrate them?

Here is how you can do it

1. Keeping customers informed:, the famous job portal keeps subscribers informed about the job alerts through SMSes. Initially you register on the website and enter your mobile number, you are asked to verify your number. Once it’s done, alerts are sent through email and SMS campaigns. One great feature of SMS campaigns is the use of automated triggers which can be set once the customer registers on the website.
Based on the job preferences it sends you suggestions of vacancies through SMSes. Alternatively, emails are sent too. Since text messages are opened quickly they are preferred. SMS and emails are synchronized in a manner that when a SMS is sent to the customer an email is sent at the same time. Thus, the SMS prompts you to open the email and visit their website.

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2. Order management and offers (discounts and coupons):
Companies like Box8 encourage customers to keep a track of their orders through SMS and emails. Once you place the order, a SMS and an email is sent to you, which helps you track your order status, and details. Transactional emails are popular because, they have 8 times more opens and clicks as compared to any other type of email. Also, they can generate 6 times more revenue.


Also, Box8 regularly informs customers about the latest discounts to keep wooing them and attracting them to place an order. This is a way to consistently keep in touch with the customer through email and SMS integration.

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3. Important information to be disseminated:
Banks regularly inform their customers through SMSes and emails about the transactions customers make through their debit card, credit card and at the bank. They also wish customers on important occasions and send notifications about customer’s account balance. This keeps the customer informed about major changes in their accounts.

4. Product positioning through Emails and Smses:
Justdial is a directory service that provides phone numbers and addresses whenever you reach them through a customer service number. They mail you the information and send a SMS too. Embedded in the SMS is the link to download their app and a contest encouraging them to download and use the app.

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When you integrate SMS and email marketing it saves time as you can check your email analytics to identify when you got the best response? For this same information, you can check SMS metrics. Customers who miss checking your email, could check the SMS and vice-versa. Thus, integration maximizes your marketing campaign.

A cohesive email and SMS marketing strategy will get you closer to your vision. Reach the Juvlon team, which will work with you to integrate email and SMS marketing within the same campaign for better campaign management and reporting.